How to earn with adsense in proper way

How to with AI
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lI constantly see people post on social media: "I've tried eBay, trading and Fiverr. It didn't work, so what is the possibility of earning money online?" Others ask: "Is it real to be able to earn money online?" Still, others say they have lost all of their savings trying with nothing to show.
This may sound familiar. However, my answer to all of this is – yes, you can succeed and earn money online!
Why You Have Not Succeeded Yet
Here are some of the likely reasons you have not succeeded yet:
1. Lack of Passion
To succeed, choose something you are really passionate about, not just because everybody else is doing it. Find the area of work that brings you happiness and satisfaction.
2. Lack of Focus
People jump from one idea to another without spending any time on them. You may be on the brink of success doing something but switch tracks because you see others succeeding in something else.
3. No Self-Discipline
Most people sacrifice everything to make fast money, but with no patience, they lose what little they had as well. Be disciplined and build things steadily.
4. Seeking Shortcuts
We often want shortcuts to quick wealth and recognition. But if it was that easy, everybody would be rich! Learn how people succeeded rather than looking for secrets that do not exist. Hard work is the only way.
5. Being Fallen for Hype
Don't get lured by screenshots showing quick riches. Find free resources and communities to help you, instead of expensive courses. YouTube has tons of great learning materials.
6. All or Nothing Mentality
You do not need the perfect laptop, camera, or anything else in the very first stage. If you don't have those, make do with what you have right now. For example, I started 3 YouTube channels with just my phone.
My Story of Persistence and Passion
I have been trying out many online ideas over 2 years until I found my sweet spot. I started alone. I had no fancy tools, just my computer and a little amount of time and curiosity. I used Google and YouTube to learn.
I made mistakes but kept working hard with persistence. Now, I have a skilled team working together on projects we are passionate about, though success is still a work in progress every day.
If I thought earning online was impossible, I wouldn't be writing this post to encourage you today.
Believe in yourself and persevere to earn online too!
I hope this motivates you to start your journey with what little you have. Believe in yourself and keep trying. There is nothing impossible!
What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

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