All the details you must know about SEO part 1

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                             What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Quite easily said in it can be defined as "search engine enhancement". That is, the optimizations that we have to perform to rank our site's homepage on top of the search engine results is called SEO. Or else, making the necessary optimizations for our site to be discoverable by search engines is called search engine optimization. SEO can be divided into three main aspects: On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and Technical SEO.

Why is SEO important? 

The very important reason for SEO is the ability to bring visitors or organic traffic to our site through search engines.

Through SEO we can have a target audience. That means if our site is about Samsung smart phones, people who like Samsung smart phones will come to our site through the search engine.

What every website builder needs is a target audience. Especially those doing business. For someone doing business, a target audience means a very essential thing relevant to their business - visitors showing interest towards their site, because that's where there's a chance of making a sale for the business.

Often people doing business or affiliate marketing get visitors to their site through ads. In that case, there are no expenses needed for this. If the site is search engine optimized, it can start ranking higher in search over time. There are many factors that will influence SEO though.

The ability to increase online income. Not just for business, affiliate marketing, but even ad publishers through adsense have the capability to journey towards a higher income. Because over 3.5 billion searches happen every day on Google alone. That means about 40,000 per second.

About 90% of the worldwide search engine market share is owned by the Google search engine. That means when doing SEO, Google should be given more priority and work should be done accordingly.

Some key SEO terms you need to understand:

When learning some subjects, there are related terms used, so if these words are not properly comprehended, some things don't really make sense. Here are some such terms:

Organic Traffic: Here traffic refers to the visitors coming to a website. Organic traffic means visitors coming from search engines like Google by ranking well for relevant terms. Visitors who search and land.  

Keyword: Any word or phrase searched on a search engine for various purposes can be referred to as a keyword. Sometimes also called search terms. Eg: best samsung phones, SEO tutorial, youtube

Rankings: The position of ranking in search results.

SERP (Search Engine Results Page): The webpage showing results relevant to your search query.

Impressions: The number of times your website shows up on the SERP. 

Meta Title and Description: The title and description that shows up for each result on the SERP.

Organic CTR (Click-through Rate): The percentage of times a result on the SERP gets clicked. Eg: If out of 100 people who saw your site on the SERP, 5 clicked through to your website, your Organic CTR is 5%.

Bounce Rate: The percentage that indicates how many visitors leaving your website immediately from the landing page itself. Eg: If 100 visitors landed on your homepage and 60 left from that page itself, your Bounce Rate is 60%. This value reducing is considered a good thing.

Search Intent: The goal, wish of the one who is searching on a search engine—finding information, buying something, getting an answer to a question, etc.

Algorithm: A program search engines use to find position rankings for a webpage. An algorithm contains many signals. Sometimes not all revealed publicly. 

Backlink: An incoming link from one webpage to another webpage. Can see two kinds of links as internal links and external links. Internal links are links from one page to another on the same website while external links are links from one website page to another website page.  

DA (Domain Authority): A metric that estimates how likely a website is to rank well in search engines is called DA. Created by Moz. Ranges from 0 to 100 for every website. 100 being the highest/best. Does not mean higher DA will rank better but factors like quality content, backlinks, trust, etc. does affect DA going higher. PA (Page Authority) is the metric specific to just that URL.

DR (Domain Rating): Another metric by Moz and also Ahrefs that estimates how likely a website is to rank well in search. Ranges from 0 to 100 as well, for every site. Main ranking factor here is backlinks for DR. UR (URL Rating) is the metric specific to just that URL.

White Hat SEO: Using ethical tactics to rank in Google. White hat SEO techniques are allowed by Google.  

Black Hat SEO: Though these techniques can be quick in producing results, Google does not endorse these techniques. Using Black Hat SEO means your site used techniques that are against the guidelines of Google's algorithm for which it can get a Google penalty. Penalty is basically like a punishment from Google which stops progress very badly and severely harms the site's future.


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