13 Free Google Courses You'll Regret Not Taking in 2023

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If you work with AdSense or want to take your digital skills to the next level, Google offers a variety of free online courses that can help. From analytics to cloud computing to Python, these classes will boost your knowledge and abilities in key areas. 

I've compiled a list of 13 free Google courses that you'll regret not taking advantage of in 2023. These classes provide training directly from Google experts that you'd typically have to pay for elsewhere. Read on for an overview of each one!

1. Google Analytics for Beginners

Learn the basics of Google Analytics including how to navigate the interface, analyze data, customize reports, and set up goals and campaigns. 

2. Advanced Google Analytics 

Take your Analytics skills to the next level with this course on integrating Analytics across devices, visualizing data effectively, calculating metrics, and applying advanced segments.

3. Google Analytics for Power Users 

Become an expert Analytics user by mastering custom reports, segments, filters, channel groupings, funnels, and using the Analytics API. 

4. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing 

Get introduced to the key concepts in digital marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, pay-per-click (PPC), web analytics, content marketing, and email.

5. Get Started with Google Maps Platform

Learn how to embed Google Maps, create custom maps with useful information layers, and develop map-based web and mobile applications. 

6. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud

Understand the fundamentals of Google Cloud including infrastructure options, security, networking, storage, and pricing models. 

7. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Core Infrastructure

Dive deeper into Google Cloud infrastructure like computing services, container orchestration, and managing resource costs efficiently in the cloud.  

8. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

Learn how to work with data, train machine learning models, and integrate AI into applications in Google Cloud.

Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud

Learn about best practices in networking and security in Google Cloud, covering VPNs, firewall rules, DDoS protection, encryption, identity management, and much more. 

Machine Learning Crash Course

Learn about machine learning concepts and build your first models with TensorFlow.

Basics of Machine Learning  
Learn about the basics of machine learning — data preparation, model training, optimization, validation, and common algorithms like regression and clustering. 

Data Science with Python

Use Python to analyze and machine learning data. Hands-on projects. 

Python Basics for Data Analysis  
Use Python to manipulate, analyze, and visualize data — and learn basics of data cleaning. NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib. 

Google's resource list also includes some of the most valuable online courses in the areas of digital skills, knowledge, and expertise in Google tools, cloud computing, data science, machine learning, and programming with Python. I definitely recommend you take a look at these 13 courses if you want to master all of those. The hands-on nature of these courses will be engaging to learn from and set you up for a career in that area. 

Enroll for which of these strikes you as being the most valuable. Start learning!

The only thing you will feel regret is if you don't take full advantage of these free opportunities.

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